Great Tips To Make The Most Of Your Iphone

Figuring out how to keep track of your bank records just got a lot easier. Iphones let you track the status of your checking account at all times. You can even deposit some checks through your iphone with certain banks today. Interested in learning more? factory reset samsung Well then take a look at the following tips.

Rotate your iphone horizontally before activating the keyboard. Doing this will increase the size of the keyboard, making it easier to type. This is especially helpful if you have trouble seeing the small screen or have very large fingers. This can save you time and frustration with misspelled words or errors in auto-correct.

Dry rice can be used to dry an iPhone if it gets wet. There has been many a person who accidentally dropped their phone into water – whether it be a puddle or even the toilet. Do not use a hair dryer. Instead, use a paper towel to wipe it. Then, place the phone in a Ziploc bag that is full of rice. Let it sit overnight to dry out completely.

Keep up on all of the new updates for your phone as they are released. Updating your phone guarantees that you have the latest software fixes, updates and options for your phone. Updates also allow you to save your photos and important files to your computer.

When using Safari, make calls with a single tap. Suppose you are searching for a dry cleaner that is close by. You don’t have to shut down your browser when you locate the contact info that you need. Simply tap the number you see on the screen and instantly it dials the business you are trying to connect to.

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Apple has made it super easy to get definitions for words. Whenever you see a word, you want to get a definition for, whether it’s in an email, a text message, or on the internet, you can press on the word for a second or two, and a little pop-up will come up where you can select define.

It is the world of phone applications, and pretty soon phones are going to replace laptops. If you haven’t already gotten into iPhones and using applications, you need to get started now. There is a world of different applications out there that can handle much of your daily business.

Make your own ringtone. If the ringtones on your iphone do nothing for you, try creating your own. You can send a file from your computer to your iphone. To do this, make sure the file is a compatible mp3. Send it from your computer to your phone using either wifi or a usb cable.

Your finances feel so much more secure when you know that you can keep an eye on them at all times. Since the iphone has such great features such as banking services, it is no wonder why so many people have invested into this smart phone, it allows you to feel a sense of security at all times.