The Easy Way to Generate Referrals and Repeat Business

The Easy Way to Generate Referrals and Repeat Business

As a real estate agent, you’re always looking for ways to bring in new business. Many REALTORSA� spend a lot of time and energy hunting for new business and trying to acquire new clients. What many fail to realize is that the real value lies in investing your energy into furthering the existing relationships that you’ve already built.

It takes 5 times the amount of time, money, and energy to find and service a new customer then it does to maintain and service an existing customer. And that’s not all. 80% of people who don’t have a real estate agent will get one through a referral. A good REALTORA� has a way to manage and organize his/or her contacts and gradually obtain more information on them as time goes by. Having a detailed database of contacts is a necessity because this is precisely how you can keep in touch as effectively as possible and market to your clients in a way that is targeted, personalized, and relevant.

I’ve previously discussed the advantages of positioning yourself as an expert on all things home related. By building and promoting a comprehensive business directory of Home Inspectors, Plumbers, Attorneys, Landscapers, etc. that you can recommend to current and past clients, you give your clients a reason to CALL YOU between transactions, rather than you always having to initiate.

At this point, you might be nodding your head but saying to yourself, this is all a lot easier said than done. You might not have a consolidated database. You might not have a complete and detailed business directory. You might not be marketing to your clients in a targeted and personalized fashion. Well, all this can certainly change. And although the change requires some commitment and a little bit of work, it’s actually much easier that you would imagine.

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We are continually working to make IXACT Contact the best real estate contact management solution available. It is quick to learn, and easy to use. The navigation is intuitive and the overall feel of the system is very user-friendly. The system allows you to create a comprehensive database of all your contacts, which can be added to over time. It allows you to filter, sort, and run reports on your database. It also has a great business directory feature that makes it amazingly easy to implement our suggestions mentioned above.

As a REALTORA�, you need to focus on fostering loyalty and generating referrals and repeat business. With the right knowledge and a little bit of help, you’ll be well on your way to a successful career in real estate sales.