Phone Number Reverse Lookup Services

Phone Number Reverse Lookup Services

The Internet has seen the growth and development of many phone number reverse look up websites and services. Obviously this is due to the continuous growth of the Internet, but obviously there is a demand for this type of service.

Perhaps you are one of the people wishing to trace a particular telephone or cell number with the power of your computer. Maybe you have had some prank calls or perhaps there is a mysterious number on a bill somewhere.


Let’s say that you have a mystery telephone number in front of you right now. Firstly there are several options that you can take and several ways to research that number and track down the owner.

First or you can try typing that number directly into one of the major search engines like Google or Yahoo. Sometimes you may get a positive result as the digits will match information found on a website somewhere. This is a long shot but sometimes it works.

Secondly you can head to the age of social networks and again try typing the digits into the search engines within the site. Sometimes the numbers will match those found on a particular profile and you can see who it belongs to. Again this is somewhat of a long shot, but who knows.

Finally you can use one of the reverse telephone search websites. These are very accurate and were just the same as a normal search engine, but instead I randomly searching the whole Internet it searches databases of telephone numbers, names and addresses.

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How does it work?

While the actual search process is the same as any other search engine, but the information it sorts through is quite different. The website owners or company that are providing a service have paid telephone service providers and cell phone service providers directly to access their databases of paying customers.

All of the registered telephone owners and users are entered into these enormous databases with names, numbers, addresses, e-mails and sometimes other personal information.

When you head to the website and enter the phone number you wish to trace, the databases are searched until an exact match is found. Within seconds you will be given the telephone number owner’s name and address.

Free or paid?

Because the websites have had to initial pay to access the databases, they redeem their costs by charging a small thing. Usually this is very small and only a one-off payment. Unfortunately there are no free options, but the good news is that many of the services allow you to do your first search for free. This way you can do a phone number reverse lookup and check their databases contain information you want.