Cell Phone Screen Repair and Maintenance Tips

The cell phone industry is one of the biggest in the world which means it is very competitive. Companies are trying to make the best product for their customers but still, they can’t manage to make something that will last for a long period of time. They can do it but the profit is much larger if you change your phone every two years. With proper maintenance and cheap repair, they can last twice as much.

Even if we have protection cases, we still manage to damage the phone. There are many tricks you can use to mask the damage but don’t trust everything the internet says because you can make an even bigger issue. It’s always better to use Google and search for iphone repair near me and let them do their job but sometimes the damage is too big to be affordable to repair. Some screens can cost a lot and many people decide to buy a new phone instead of repairing it so masking the damage sometimes isn’t a bad idea.

How to Fix a Cracked Screen?

Some of these methods aren’t so reliable but if you are desperate about how your phone looks and you don’t want to spend a lot of money on repair, they might be useful. If you have a small scratch that irritates you, toothpaste can help hide it. Use only a small portion of toothpaste on a cotton bud and apply on the scratched area but make sure it doesn’t go into any holes.

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A similar trick as toothpaste is baking soda and water. You need to mix it until it’s like a thick paste and apply it the same as toothpaste. More extreme thing is to use sandpaper to make the crack smoother but there is a risk of damaging the screen so you shouldn’t experiment with it. There are rumors online that vegetable oil can mask the damage but you shouldn’t use it if that is your only phone. Try it out on a spare phone so you can be sure how much to apply. None of these methods should be your main way of fixing the screen. It’s best to contact a repair shop and ask what can be done. Read more here.

How Your Battery Degrades?

In order to properly maintain your phone, you need to know how the components work and what can damage them. The first thing you need to know is that with every battery charge, it degrades slightly. There are many studies about phone battery’s and their lifespan and it is proven that after 400 charges from 0% to 100%, the battery will degrade by 20%. You probably noticed that after a year or two of usage, your phone loses battery faster.

A sat truth is that they degrade even faster. If you play a lot of games and you don’t have a gaming mobile phone, there is a high chance your battery will be destroyed fast. If you learn to save your battery, it will last longer so whenever you can use the battery saver option. One of the things that are draining a lot of energy is brightness so place it on minimum if you want it to last longer.

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We have to types of batteries used in mobile phones. The one that isn’t in use anymore had to be charged all the way 100% and drained all the way to 0%. If you didn’t do that, the battery wouldn’t last that long because it “remembered” how much you used it until recharging so the lifespan gets lower rapidly. Newer batteries work the other way around. It would be best if you charge it when it’s above 20% and unplug it before 90%.

Get more information here: https://www.wired.co.uk/article/how-to-improve-battery-life-tips-myths-smartphones

Exposing Phone to Bad Weather

One of the things that may impact your phone a lot is exposing it to a lot of heat or rain. It doesn’t have to be sunlight but it’s the most common thing that damages your battery and other components. The problem is that you can’t fix that. If the heat makes damage to your phone you will need to replace that certain part. Even if the humidity is high, it can build up on the phone and damage it later on.

If the phone gets wet, there is a possibility to fix it. There are many ways to dry it and using a hair drier isn’t the safest option. A most popular option is to use a bag of rice and seal it with the phone inside. It will drain all the moisture out of the phone. You need to do this as soon as possible because the water can make permanent damage fast.

Phone Cases and Screen Protection

The majority of phone cases that people own, won’t actually protect the phone from a 2-meter drop. It should be used for aesthetic reasons. The cases that actually will help you out are more expensive then you think. There are companies that make cases that will recognize a drop and open a set of legs that will help the phone land safely.

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Screen protection is different than a case and it can protect your screen from breaking. The protection glass will break first and then the damage can be applied on the phone but they also have a boundary. The safest cases can help in any situation but they are too big and won’t feel nice being handled.